
To me Mark is a very interesting book of the bible that talks about the wonders Jesus did when He was alive. I am Christian and have been taught this stories various times as I grew up.  The only thing that I never paid any attention was the fact that the book of Mark was written by someone that was not actually there when this things happened. Nor did I pay attention to the fact that the book was written many years after the crucifixion of Jesus. Since I grew up in a Christian household to me the book of Mark shows the wonders and great things Jesus could do as the son of God. I have never questioned whether they were true or not I just believed God had all the power in the world and this things could be done  by Him only.  My favorite verse in the book of Mark and one that I think is hard to live up to is Mark 11: 25 ” And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses” ( Mark.11.25). One cannot always forgive those that harm one , but  one should try.

2 thoughts on “Mark

  1. Kat

    I can definitely relate to you, on my part, growing up Catholic and hearing these same stories from year to year and not really paying attention or putting effort into realizing the context of these stories. It feels very refreshening to study these stories and see them from a different perspective and really understand them. Connecting it with my faith and the values that I personally grew up with is amazing.


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