Exodus 33 15-24 moses intercession

Who: The Lord and Moses

Where:  Moses is on mt. sinai or out of the camp in the tent called the tent of meeting

When: This is after the people worshiped the calf and Moses comes down from the mountian. He has the people kill there own family members.

What: Moses is talking with God about making sure he goes with him and the people when they move. Moses  wants to see Gods glory and God allows him to see only his back. this is because no one can see Gods face and live.

One Quote: exodus 33.15– “And he said to him, “if your presence will not go, do not carry us up from here”.      Moses knows he needs God in order to make it. So he will not move if God does not go with them. Moses really believes God is the leader.

this is late.

4 thoughts on “Exodus 33 15-24 moses intercession

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