Chapter 33 Verses 1-6 Command to Leave Sinai

Who: The Lord, Moses, the Israelites.

Where: Sinai.

When:  After God has sent the Plague on the people.

What: God is sending the Israelites out go Mt. Sinai to the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Ideas Suggested: God calls the Israelites “stiff-necked people.” He is calling them dedicated followers to him and Moses. He says they are “stiff-necked” because they never turn away from their leader.



2 thoughts on “Chapter 33 Verses 1-6 Command to Leave Sinai

  1. shawn

    I can see what you are saying here with the idea, but i also think that he refers to them in this way in relation to them not taking responsibility for the golden calf incident, which is why they were given this plague anyways. AM i the only one who thinks this way with this section?


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