Class 4/11

Notes on Text of the Bible
–        Discussed bible as a book of literature
–        Translations, more bible being printed
–        Copies; handwritten to print in 1400’s, stories retold and mistranslated
–        CONTEXT: writer writes what he believes as true
–        Categories of Bibles: Byzantine, Alexandrian, Neutral
–        Expansion of Christianity at such a fast rate
Two things I found interesting in Waleskas well done presentation, one being the writer perception of what is important and what is not and there other being the expansion of Christianity at a such a fast rate.
Translating the Bible by Bernice
*purpose to make bible more available
–        Hebrew to Greek
–        Latin to Gothic = English
–        Translator put in own beliefs e.i. protestant and Catholic views
*everybody thought there version was right
*ruling had influence
The Religious Use and Interpretation of the Bible By Anne
–        History
–        Theological doctrine
–         Moral Perceptions
–        Estiastial- the more Christian charge, how a body of bein should come together
–        Guide to the times
–        Personal Guidelines
*allegories with hidden truths

I personallly take the bible as a socure for some sense of guidance.

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