
I liked how Michelle said that the Bible shows how men perceived ancient women. This makes me wonder how different the Bible would have been if women wrote it. There would probably be more women in the Bible, but would the stories focus on them instead of men, could they have had more important roles like being prophets? I found it interesting how there was a Women’s Bible created because the Bible pertained more to men and the  relationship between God and men allowed men to have power over women. This would probably allow women to be closer to their religion more. However, I would imagine the backlash from the men could not have been good.

I found it interesting when Redgina said that in Babylonian times the word Yahweh was considered too sacred to say and there were made to forbid it. I think this is weird because they have been using that word for God for hundreds of years and then all of a sudden they can’t say it.  I would understand more if they were taken over by an empire who didn’t believe in Yahweh but that is not the case.  Maybe it is only the Jewish who used the word Yahweh and the people who overtook them have different beliefs.

I thought it was interesting when Mohamad was talking about the Greek period and said that when Alexander went to take over Egypt the people welcomed him instead of fighting him like every other country did. This is a little hard to believe since if someone tried to take over a country today there would be an all out war. I don’t know the history of Egypt in that time but I can only think that things weren’t going well and the people believed Alexander could help.

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