
All did  a wonderful job on their presentations. i liked what Michelle said on how the women on the Bible were mainly used to embody the concerns of the males during that time. I also liked how she said women back then cannot teach us about  what occurred back then but about what they thought about.  Another presentation that i enjoyed was Nick’s presentation he made it very entertaining by using the videos.

One thought on “4/13/12

  1. Elisa

    I found Michelle’s presentation very interesting. I was surprised that there are actually women Bibles, but I guess I shouldn’t be. What I remember most was Michelle talking about “women AND the Bible” rather than “women IN the Bible”. The fact that the majority of the work was written by men and their concerns really stuck with me. It really put it into perspective for me. I can now look at female characters in a different way and remember that it doesn’t show the lives of women but how women were portrayed by men.


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