
I thought our Guest speaker, Jim, was very interesting and exciting. His large focus on the context I found to be very insightful. It really does help to know the context of the situation (time/place/people) to understand the stories within the bible. What I learned from Jim was you understand the context you can grasp a better sense of the confusing nature of the stories that are similar and far from being similar about the same subject. Here are my notes that I took from that day:
            New testament
            Text-> context
                        -Abraham dates to about the year 2000
                        -David 1000
                        -Jerusalem was destroyed in the 7 BCE
                        -JEWISH assemble stories during this time form together to make the bible
                        -Jesus dies About the year 30 our time
            Mark wrote gospel about 50 to 65 years after death of Jesus
            Letter said saint Paul are the oldest text in bible
            Thesolonians earliest latest letter is to Romans
                        -70s was when mark was written/ group of rebel Jews who had it with rome                                     occupied 67 to 135 ce Roman war against Jewish people
                        -80-90. Mathew and Luke
                        -100 John

-Mark gospel and reference to roman war against Jews
To be a Jew without to temple is to be a Jew with Jesus first Christian

-Other group of Jews says law/ torah Judaism, rabbis, imagine temple no longer have to go to temple observe the tradition

-Both groups turn against each other and it gets deeper with Christian books, jaded by Christian views the Jews were the murders of Jesus not the Romans
Year 135 CE the destruction of carthage, Jerusalem was destroyed, Jesus Jews became Gentiles, became Catholics Characters therefore become catholic, Mary, Jesus, Joseph consider

-As gospel move along from mark to John a reason to persecute the Jews become more apparent, Jesus people accuse the Jews of death of Jesus because they don’t believe in Jesus as profit therefore reject Jesus Jew beliefs

2 thoughts on “3/26

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