Class 4/9

Monday’s class had presentations from Nick, Katie, Elisa, and myself Presentation interested me a lot. He explained how the Gospels may have been synced up, but held many differences. This shows how the different authors effected the writings in the bible. Nick was very natural in his speech and was well informed on his topic. Katie presented on Acts. Her speech asked the  question of what the book is directed at. She mentioned the different possibilities including Paul’s letters. She also said how Christianity couldn’t survive while it was tied to Jewish law. She explained how the decline of Judaism was inevitable with or without Paul’s work. I spoke on the outside books the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha. While being hard to pronounce, I found these books to be very interesting. I really enjoyed learning about the process of canonization and about some of the specific stories that were left out. Elisa’s book presentation was really good. She was natural in her delivery. She explained about the story of Joshua. She told about how Joshua was to take over the promise land from Moses. She told us that the theological point is to emphasize following rules and practicing traditions. Overall, I felt it was a very good day for speeches.


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