Class 4/11

Today, Waleska, Bernice, Anne, Sueann and Hannah. Waleska presented on the text of the Bible. She explained in detail about the context of the writings. I really enjoyed her speech because she made it easy to understand. Bernice then spoke about the translation of the Bible. Anne’s chapter was on the religious use and interpretation of the Bible. Sueann finished her speech on the book of Judges. She explained the 20 stories of the Judges. She also mentioned how there is a cycle of sin. This was the most interesting thing I heard because it made a lot of the stories we’ve heard make sense. The cycle of sin explained in what way things happen in stories of the Bible. Hannah spoke on the book of Ruth. She told about Naomi and Ellimelech’s family. Naomi is left with only her daughter in law Ruth after her husband and two sons die. Ruth and Boaz marry and live happily ever after. Hannah’s presentation was very entertaining and kept me engaged in her speech. She was able to simplify the book for us and make it easy to understand. Everyone did a great job and kept my attention.


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