
I found it interesting when Waleska said that as you go back in time the different Bibles were more confusing and various.  I would have thought that the closer they were to the actual event the more accurate and similar they would.  This could have happened because there were different denominations of Judaism and Christianity coming out and they changed the stories a little to fit their beliefs.  I wondered if the copies of the Bible that are similar to each other are actually more accurate historically or are relevant just to the religion they are used in.

I liked how Bernice pointed out that the original manuscripts don’t exist anymore.  This makes it hard to check the facts that are in the Bible today. This also makes it so that translators can add their own beliefs to the Bible because it would be difficult to disprove them without the manuscripts.  Having the translators add their own beliefs allow them to promote their own religion, making it seem as if one way is right and another is wrong.

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