Class 4/9

I though the presentation were well done. Olivia’s Apocrypha and PSEUDEPIGRAPHA presenting was interesting. Her presentation helped with understanding the hidden writings with authors that don’t match the time of who is written about… If that’s not confusing enough as a statement, ha. Learning about ezras law was interesting on how it effected those who wrote after it, it’s diffulclt for me to understand it being a modern person, with our sense of always have to be right and have things make sense. Katie’s short book presentation was really good as well, she spoke really well.
Earning how the early Christian church spread is Intresting. I wish I had more time to jot down some more notes on her topic.

One thing I did pick up was the lack of communication between speaker and class. The class should be more involved, though my presentation on the gospels was bland, some class communication would have been nice. I know time is a factor with a 50 minute class, but not only is it boring to listen to a speak about a topic they are nervous about in class but it’s really boring to present a topic to a class that seems to be half there.

Nick P

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