
The presentations on Wednesday were great.  I liked Sue’s handout.  I always learn more when I have a visual aid.  It’s interesting to see the comparisons between the Old Testament and the New Testament.  I never realized how much smaller in length and the time period covered in the New Testament is than the Old Testament. The handout also clearly states how God’s word came to his people.

I liked how Shawn mentioned that the Bible molded history to fit its message.  He mentioned how the Bible mentions King David because he followed God’s law. However, the Bible does not mention King Jeroboam II, who had as much wealth and land as David, because he did not follow God’s teaching.  Since Jeroboam II is not in the Bible many people do not know about him, while most know about David. In a way this is using the Bible to say David had such success because he followed God.

I liked how Hannah mentioned that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew while the New Testament was written in ancient Greek.  I already knew this but hearing someone else say it made me think of the different translations.  Sometimes there is not an exact translation for a word so you have to pick the closest or they can have a different meaning in Hebrew and greek than they do in English. This makes me wonder how accurate the translations are  since one word can change the whole meaning of a sentence.

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