28th March/ Kia

Wanitas presentation related to our guest speakers presentation a lot to me. She spoke on the topic of how the bible used stories from other mythologies and that they are in the bible. This related back to the subject of context. When our guest speaker was talking about Mark, he said that it wasn’t as though Mark was taking notes while Jesus was getting crucified, but that many years later he was putting into context what happened. Though the bible may use stories from other myths and legends, it doesn’t make it plagiarism because back then, plagiarism wasn’t around. This just solidifies to me that the bible is a collection of great stories- not based on 100% true facts.

2 thoughts on “28th March/ Kia

  1. hannah

    You make a very good atheistic point (if thats what you were going for), and I agree with you completely.

    Going with what Wanita said, how the bible used stories from other mythologies, I wonder if this was for the new testament, old, or both. From what i’ve learned, Hinduism is the oldest known religion. I wonder if the new or old testament took any specific mythologies or stories from this religion.


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