
The book of Job is one of my favorite books.  I liked the fact that no matter how many trials the devil placed on Job he never renounced his God. He knew that there must have been a reason as to why God was allowing this things to happen. I admire Job because , yes he seemed to be distressed because he did not understand why he was being punished but he remained faithful to God. As he says in Job chapter 2 verse 10 , ” But he said to her, ” You speak as one of the  foolish women speaks . Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? ” In all this Job did not sin with his lips” (job.2.10).  For it is easy for one to be happy when everything is going one’s way, but it is hard for one to rejoice when one is not happy ; when things are not going one’s way.

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