2/1/12 Katherine, Sue and Katerine


  • More than one writer
  • Order of stories: were they meant to be read consecutively the way we read them?
  • Are they meant to be seen as a cohesive story


  • Were stories and facts exaggerated
  • Are they other recorded records or is this the main source of primary sources from this time period?


  • Why would a group of people sit down and write such an extensive work, was there an intended audience then?
  • Did everyone read and write, or was this book originally for educated people and the rest of the people would have to listen to it orally?
  • Was the Bible created to set a standard of obedience its audience?


  • Why did these specific books get passed down?
  • Did all books of the Bible get passed down and is there some logic to the ones that did vs did not?
  • Basis for modern religion.

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