Genesis 31


  • Jacob is running away from Laban
  • God tells Jacob to return home
  • His wives also tell him he should go
  • Laban pursues him for seven days and finally overtakes him
  • Laban comes to reclaim his household gods
  • Rachel tricks Laban from finding them
  • Laban and Jacob are able to reconcile
  • They make a covenant and set up boundries


  • The fact that they are running away is described as deception
  • Jacob and Rachel are portrayed as tricksters in this story
  • Rachel uses her period as a means of cheating Laban out of his household gods


  • Women are further portrayed as deceitful in this story, harkening back to eve somewhat

One thought on “Genesis 31

  1. mohamadrida

    • Jacob was going after his father god and he married two wife their name is Laban Rachel.
    • His father in law was disagree with him about his god
    • Angle came to his dream and told him to leave this land an come back to it in the birth
    • Rachel didn’t like god of Jacob

    • Rachel uses her period as a means of cheating Laban

    • I think Jacob should fight about his god and tell his father in law what is the right thing to do


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