The Fruits That Could:

After completing the final experiment requirement, where we were to try another groups experiment regarding what we have learned all semester; I can confidently say that I will not look at some of the most common fruits the same. The experiment I indulged myself in required me to see the different levels of energy different fruits (more specifically their PH level) would produced and if they may be able to be used as a source of energy. The basic principle behind creating the voltage is a transfer of electron in a commonly known process of oxidation. These fruits included a Banana, Lime, Orange and lemon. Moreover, we also used different conductors such as a zinc nail, stainless steel nail a penny and graphite as the constant. You can see the process below in the photos taken.

Fruit1 Fruit2 

While partaking in this experiment I found the most interesting aspect being that no matter how far away you moved the constant and the conductor the voltage level remanded the same. However, when you change the conductor from a zinc nail to a penny and so on, there is a change in voltage levels. I have also concluded below in the table the different voltage levels for each conductor and fruit with different PH level.

Fruit chart

In conclusion, the reasoning behind this experiment was to see if you could reach adequate voltage levels to power a small device. For instance, a small flashlight requires roughly 1.5 volts. Unfortunately, the highest volts I was able to reach while doing this experiment was .84 volts. This was produced from the PH levels of the orange and a zinc-coated nail. Myself, and the presenting group came to the conclusion that if we used a larger conductor that we may be able to reach a higher voltage level. This is something I plan on doing in the near future. Overall, this experiment brought a lot of enlightenment to how the different PH levels bring different voltage levels.

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