Author Archives: bbadams

Exo and Endothermic Reactions

To Whom it May Concern, Last week, during class, my team was given the assignment to create a lab. As team leader, I decided the first thing to do, was to find out what would be interesting, or cool. There … Continue reading

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MIT Nuclear Reactor

To Whom it May Concern: Last Tuesday, the class visited MIT, and got a tour of the nuclear reactor there. The nuclear reactor is for research only, and does not power anything. The reactor itself is very small, and only … Continue reading

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Solar Panel Experiment

To Whom it May Concern: During the last class, we had the opportunity to study and experiment with solar cells. Our objective was to measure the voltage produced by the solar panel at different distances and different filters. The lab … Continue reading

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Tom Vales’ Expirement

It has always been the goal of modern society to achieve the cheapest, most efficient, most abundant energy source. Today we mainly use carbon based fuels, or as it is more commonly known as, fossil fuels. As our society advanced, … Continue reading

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A pandemic (from the Greek word, pan meaning all, and demos meaning people) is a larger population of people that are infected with the same contagious virus. Over our history, there have been many pandemics. One of the most famous … Continue reading

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Robotics Activity

To Whom it May Concern: Last week our class did some simple programming with robotics. We ran into a few complications with the software. This was mostly caused by my groups ignorance of the software. I believe that after a … Continue reading

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Demand Response

Electricity is all around us. Every where we go there are signs of electricity. We have become so use to electricity, that we may not recognize electricity in all its forms. This can be dangerous because if we can’t see … Continue reading

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Fukushima Meltdown

This gallery contains 2 photos.

On March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daiichi suffered an earthquake and a tsunami. The natural disaster caused reactors 1, 2, and 3 to experience a full meltdown. The nuclear reactor will be decommissioned after the reactor is under control. The following … Continue reading

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