Demand Response

Electricity is all around us. Every where we go there are signs of electricity. We have become so use to electricity, that we may not recognize electricity in all its forms. This can be dangerous because if we can’t see what is using electricity, we will be wasteful in our consumption. That is where demand response comes into play. Demand response is essentially a program that helps reduce energy consumption, and puts the responsibility of saving energy on the consumer. The way demand response works, is that it only supplies power where power is needed. For example, when you turn a light bulb off, you are no longer using any energy.

Demand response programs are now being used very widely. One of the newest versions of demand response, is the smart grid. Today, electricity works as a one-way communication. The light bulb asks for electricity and electricity is sent. The smart grid uses a two way communication. The light bulb asks for electricity, and the smart grid monitors and tracks its consumption. Using this information, the smart grid can raise a red flag on those appliances using too much electricity. As technology advances, the light bulb will have a smart chip that would allow the light bulb to “talk” back to the grid. In the near future, whole houses will be set up with a smart system. It will react to the rise in electricity prices, and reduce energy consumption by turning off an appliance that’s not in use, or turning down the thermostat a few degree. On a small scale study, conducted by the Department of energy, homes with the smart system saved 10% on their electricity bill, and 15% in their energy consumption.

Demand response is an important technology that must be improved and implemented across our power grids.

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One Response to Demand Response

  1. bmmcdowell says:

    I really like how you explored smart electronics and smart grid systems in this post.

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