Genetically Modified Crops


Genetically Modified Crops

We came to a place where the technology revelation takes over almost everything in our life today, and a good example for that is GMO “ genetically modified food “ .

Genetic engineering is a process where scientists take genes from species and force it to DNA of other species. Today genetically modified food have invaded the America food supply, almost 90 % of crops like corn and soy are now genetically modified . The reason for that big percentage is that genetic engineering promises to increase crops yield, low cost for farmers, and reduce the use of Herbicides .

The question is are we really achieving these goals?


Some of GMO’s supporters say that genetic engineering is a safe and beneficial process, and they are saying it is an extinction of natural plant propagation. In fact genetic engineering is a laboratory based technique where a foreign gene is inserted into DNA of the plant. This is an uncontrolled process, because the site of insertion is random and my potentially damage the plant’s genetic makeup. The mutation that occur during the process can lead to unexpected changes in the resulting crops such as: poor crop performance, alteration in the food’s nutritional content, toxic and allergenic effects.


Some GMO’s promoters claim that genetic engineering reduce pesticide use . In fact it does not , it leads to an increase in the amount of pesticide and herbicide used . Also, they say it increases the corps yield potential, but it actually has opposite effect of glyphosate eyelets soil quality by killing the natural nutrients and organisms that necessary of the plants development leading to plant diseases . Glyphosate is highly Invasive and can mix with rain , air ,soil and  water ground .


Genetically modified crops are as energy –hungry as any other chemically farmed crops . GOM’s crops consume massive amount of energy, because they are depending on Herbicides with use fossil fuel during manufacturing . GOM are also depending on nitrogen fertilized which emit green house gas .


GMO’s promoters say that the main goal of genetic modified crops  is to help to eliminate the world hunger and protect the security of food supply. In fact there are no genetically modified crops that increase intrinsic yield, and the world hunger is an issue of allocation of resources .


There are no conclusive safety studies on GOM , most regulatory assessment on GMO are only based on the data provided by biotech companies applying to commercialized GMO crops and these are the same companies that profit from the positive assessment . The U.S FDA does not have a safety assessment process for GMO , also independent researchers are prohibited from using genetically modified food for their studies and if they found a problem with the GMO their work will be called “flawed insubstantial “ . Over 50 countries all over the world have now passed GMO  labeling laws and GMO crops restriction in order to insure people health . On the other hand Canada and U.S.A  still have not come to this step and there is no justification for that .


In conclusion, genetically modified crops is a good step to improve our lives and food sources ,but it needs to be put under a lot of studies and reaches in order to get the optimum benefits for it and to avoid any kind of harm it may cause.

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