EPA , is proposal clean power plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants by 30 % , by the 2030 . If we look across the USA power sector , the proposal will boost the UAS economy , protect heath and environment and fight climate change .The US supply the electricity every day form coal , natural gas , hydropower ,nuclear ,wind and solar .
When fossil fuel like coal are burned to produce electricity , they release CO , which lead to trap the heat and this will lead to claimant change . According to EPA the best way to cut down carbon pollution is to generate more power from the cleanest sources and use the energy more efficiency . The EPA explained that each part in their system offer huge opportunities to reduce the pollution that lead to claimant change . Also they expecting to make improvement at power plans , expand renewable energy production ,generate more of clean energy and increase energy efficiency .
Some Benefits That are Expected From This Proposal:
For every dollar invested in this plan there will be 7 dollar benefits and by 2030 there will be between 55 – 93 billon dollar of net claimant and heath benefits. The proposal is going to increase energy efficiency and clean energy investment. In fact one study has shown that there could be 274000 new jobs associated with this proposal.
EPA mentioned that the most immediate impact of this proposal is going to be improved health for many Americans. it is estimated that in the first year this proposal will prevent 100000 asthma attack because of reduced partial pollution , also it is estimated to reduce 2100 heart attack in it’s first year . They expect that 6600 premature heath will be avoided as a result of this proposal.
EPA estimated that in 2030 will be an 8 % decrease in the electricity bills. This is because there will be an increase in energy efficiency and the cost of employing clean energy will go down. EPA explained that one of the reasons that this proposal is so achievable is that it is NOT a top down approach. The proposal plan allowed states to chose what works for them, with the recognition that what works for Ohio may not be the best solution for Taxes and vice verse.