Half of Germany once ran on Solar power alone!

Reading about articles on German renewable energy turned out to be quite interesting, unexpectedly. Few countries in Europe can have as great an impact on energy policy as Germany. “Its large size and strategic location make it a critical component of the region’s energy markets – as a result, sound energy policies and strong energy market design are a necessity” says the article on www.IEA.org. The country continues to make a lot of progress.

Germany has reformed it’s electricity, is meeting key climate and environmental target, is also bringing energy, efficiency to the world’s agenda. Although work remains to be done about German energy policy, half of the country was once powered by electricity from solar plants.

“German solar power plants produced a world record 22 gigawatts of electricity – equal to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity – through the midday hours of Friday and Saturday, the head of a renewable energy think tank has said … Norbert Allnoch, director of the Institute of the Renewable Energy Industry in Muenster, said the 22 gigawatts of solar power fed into the national grid on Saturday met nearly 50% of the nation’s midday electricity needs.”

Solar energyThat is amazing! Ground breaking! And they are proving to the world that Solar energy can be a major and also reliable source of power. And that’s exactly how much great things can happen when people, government and citizens, take their heart and soul to get a bit more clean and pollution free.

You should be aware of little things! Like switching your oven plate off 30 minutes earlier and use the remaining heat stored in the plate can allow you to reheat a bit longer. That is reducing power consumption, is it not?

I love to see a government and it’s people show commitment to a great cause. Costs and lack of skills do not discourage them; and the results are there for all to see! Way to go Germans!


References: www.IEA.org



Author: assane

Senior student at Suffolk University majoring in Accounting and minored in Economics.

6 thoughts on “Half of Germany once ran on Solar power alone!”

  1. This is a stunning fact that they are trying so hard to save the environment. The Statistic shows that the Green Energy source will be replace 90 percent of their fuel energy within 30 years. Amazing!

  2. Energy Grids are usually considered as the national engine of an economy. In countries like USA, it appears among the economic lifeline factors, which ensure high level of reliability in terms of electricity supply. Considering the past experiences of five massive blackouts in last 40 years, of which three occurred in last nine years, it became necessary to develop the reliable energy grid and electricity transmission system.

  3. Really enjoy how you give real life example on how to save energy (oven plate) and I also enjoyed your piece about Germany not being discouraged by the cost, as they see the long term future of using this sustainable energy! Well done!

  4. I like when you focus on what German citizens can do to reduce their own energy consumption. Many people don’t think that little things like turning off appliances and lights can help to reduce energy costs. It’s important in the wake of Germany’s setbacks to focus on what they’ve achieved, like their success with solar power, thanks for including that. Great post, and great pictures!

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