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Ephemeral Artifacts:

Remains of the Play

August 30 – October 15, 2019

Dispelled Series 4-6_

Image: Doctor Faustus, The Modern Theatre, Production still, 2011
Director, David Gammons
Set Designer, Richard Chambers
Costume Designer, Elisabetta Polito
Lighting Designer, Kimberly Smith
Music and Sound Designer, David Wilson

The physical production of a play is a close reading and interpretation of the script, but like the performance itself, it is in effect ephemeral. It is also the lifeblood of the theater, even though much of what is produced is eventually discarded, making room for the next production. The design and all the aspects of production (technical, sound, music, lighting) work together to establish the place, time period, and mood of the production. They serve the performance – its narrative, its language, its ambiance and all its ideas. This exhibit demonstrates the importance of the design and technological production in the realization of a performance. We are very pleased to be collaborating with and celebrating the Suffolk University Theatre Program.

Ephemeral Artifacts: Remains of the Play includes materials from recent productions: scenic designs and related drafting, props, puppets, costumes, costume drawings, lighting plots, progress models, color swatches; everything that is needed for the play to come to life. The work is produced collaboratively with students, faculty, and outside experts in the field.

Gallery talk:
September 19, 6pm

A first-time collaboration: Marilyn Plotkins, Chair of Theatre and Audrey Goldstein, Chair of

Art & Design will discuss the synergy between their programs. This exhibit is the first occasion that the two have worked together directly.

Student Activities Period with Pizza
September 24, 12:15 – 1:15pm

Theatre Colleagues in Conversation: Richard Chambers, Professor, Jim Bernhardt, Director of Production, Steve McIntosh, Technical Director, and Leslie Held, Costume Designer/Guest Lecturer will engage in a lively discussion on the importance of all the planning and materials needed for the production of a play, that then become ephemeral!


Theater production design related videos on view in the Gallery.

Link to Working in the Theater:

Thanks to both Micaleen Rodgers, BA Theatre ‘20 for her contribution, by way of her independent study and Professor Richard Chambers for his guidance and enthusiasm in realizing this exhibition.

Gallery Hours


11AM - 3PM

And by appointment
Monday - Friday


Suffolk University Gallery – Sawyer Building 6th Floor

8 Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108
Closed on university holidays & weekends



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