Wow, I Need To Read More…


Last class we visited the Plasma Science & Fusion Center (PSFC) at MIT where we were given a lecture and tour by two MIT PHD Students. Hidden down a side street with little to no signage, the Plasma Center is home to a powerful machine located beneath the street that most people have no idea exists. These gentlemen were brillant to say the least, and were extremely passionate about their project. MIT is host to one of the smallest fusion centers in the world, but puts out some of the most impressive results. The Alcator C-Mod project is a compact, high magnetic field tokamak that is used to help develop different theories and ideas associated with fusion technology and is the tokamak with the highest magnetic field and highest plasma pressure in the world.

According to the PSFC website, the center “…is Recognized As One Of The Leading University Research Laboratories In The Physics And Engineering Aspects Of Magnetic And Inertial Fusion…”. While the data uncovered at MIT is greatly beneficial to the development of fusion technology, the United States Government is trying to cut the funding to the center. President Obama believes that there are other plants that can provide more useful data, and employ scientists who are more established and respected in the industry. With the MIT center employing primarily graduate students, Obama feels that the government grants can be put towards research that is more valuable.

The trip proved to be very interesting, and made me realize that i need to pick up a book every once and a while.



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