Objective: The objective of this lab was to show the way light intensity is seen with a solar cell. The point of the lab was to show us the relationship between light intensity and the voltage output.
Step 1: We started the lab by having no light on the solar cell and the average my group came up with was .12.
Step 2: We then added light with a flashlight and we shined it on the solar cell for a certain amount of time. The average that we came up with was .33172.
Step 3: Then we moved the flashlight back to see if we would get a different result. We did this from different distances to see if we would get other averages. First we had the flashlight 4 inches away from the solar cell and got an average .115943. We moved it back 4 more inches, 8 inches, and the average we got was .118742. We moved the flashlight back 4 more inches, 12 inches, and we came up with .03663 as the average.
The next graph shows how we used color filters on the solar cell (green, black, and blue). We also included no filter in this graph as well.