In this week’s class we conducted a series of experiments concerning photovoltaic cells. We actually had two parts in our experimentation; Part 1 was an experiment to determine whether the distance of the source of light from the photovoltaic cell affects the power the cell produces. The second part was an experiment tp determine whether the power output of the cell depended on the kind of light emitted by the source, which we moderated through the use of some filters.
Distance Difference:
Our hypothesis for this series of experiments was the the larger the distance of the source from the cell, the less power it would produce due to the fact that it would receive less energy(since light would be emitted in more directions.
We set up the cell in the desired distance from the light source(the distances used in this series were 0,4,8 and 12 inches away from the light source.)The cell was connected to our computer and gave us readings of the power it produced. Then, after the data was put in excel we determined the average of each distance-reading.
From the above table we produced another table for the average distances against Voltage, which we used to make a graph of the readings we received.
Data Analysis:
As we can see from the above data, our hypothesis was completely verified since increasing the distance from the source decreased the power output. Furthermore, the graph produced shows a negative exponential(since the graph is not linear) relationship between the distance and the voltage output. If i had to guess i would say that the function would be of the form of y=1/x or y=1/x^2. However, more data is needed to determine the exact relationship between the two variables.
As we saw from the above information our hypothesis was verified and the power output of the cell decreases as its distance from the light source increases. All in all, even though we calculated some average values in our experiments, i do not think that they hurt the accuracy of our results significantly which makes the experiment a success as far as i am concerned. An area that we could have improved would have been the holding of the cell(which we did manually by hand) so as to negate the effects of our unsteady hands. As i said though, the effect of this error is insignificant and does not interfere with our results.
Filter Difference:
In this series of experiments our hypothesis was that the different filters applied on the light source would change the power output of the cell. This is due to the fact that each filter absorbs waves of its own frequency, which means the light that escapes the filter will have slightly different energy levels depending on the color of the filter.
In this experiment we placed the cell right in front of the light source(we wanted to keep the distance the same and the zero distance was the easiest to implement). Then we put a filter between the light source and our cell. We did the same process for four different filters(pink, yellow, blue, orange).
From the above table we produced another table of averages for power output with which we plotted a graph.
Data Analysis:
From the above information we can see that the filter color does change the power output of the cell, which is in concordance with our hypothesis. We can see that each filter color produces a different frequency for the cell to absorb, thus changing its energy output accordingly.
The above information indicates that our hypothesis was valid, since filter colors change the produced energy of the cell according to the frequency they absorb. As with the previous series of experiments, the average values we produced did not hamper our results, which again shows the validity of the data obtained. All in all, i cannot think of any ways to improve our accuracy other than the use of more filters to determine the exact relationship of the filter colors and the power output.