Tag Archives: gas

Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing.

All of us use something every day. Everything is made out of something. Phones, furniture, cars, planes – all of those require some natural resources. Nowadays the amount of resources which humanity uses decreases every day. Scientists are working hard to find new ways to extract such resources like oil, natural gas and other. Natural gas at the same time runs out quite fast but recently a new way to obtain it has been found – the Hydraulic Fracturing which allows to increase or restore the rate at which fluids, such as petroleum, water, or natural gas. Such technology makes the production of natural gas possible even from rock formations deep below the earth’s surface. Fractures provide a conductive path connecting a larger volume of the reservoir to the well. So-called “super fracing”, which creates cracks deeper in the rock formation to release more oil and gas, will increase efficiency of hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is also applied in industry in many ways, for example:

  • To stimulate groundwater wells.
  • To precondition or induce rock to cave in mining.
  • As a means of enhancing waste remediation processes, usually hydrocarbon waste or spills.
  • To dispose of waste by injection into deep rock formations.
  • As a method to measure the stress in the earth.
  • For heat extraction to produce electricity in an enhanced geothermal systems.
  • To increase injection rates for geologic sequestration of CO2.


Scientist predict that Hydraulic fracturing will account about 70% of natural gas development in the future. Hydraulic fracturing as well as horizontal drilling use the latest technologies and such technology is much more viable for companies to recover natural gas. For instance, In the United States, 45% of domestic natural gas production and 17% of oil production would be lost within 5 years without usage of hydraulic fracturing. In conclusion, we can say that such technology is very useful and has a great potential in future for many world companies. And if companies will start using this technology the resource decreasing will be drastically stopped!


  1. National Petroleum Council, Prudent Development: Realizing the Potential of North America’s Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources, September 15, 2011.
  2. IHS Global Insight, The Economic and Employment Contributions of Natural Gas in the United States, December 2011
  3. Wikipedia: Hydraulic Fracturing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing)


Ways the automobile industry is using to increase gas mileage.

Technology always improves, time doesn’t stop and humanity is creating more and more marvelous inventions. Machines like cars are a casual thing nowadays, most people in the world own at least one car. Cars can soon be called human’s best friend after dogs of course, but such friends like cars is a not a cheap deal to own especially when we are dealing with the gas mileage system which is used nowadays.

Electric and hybrid vehicles made a lot of news at this month’s International CES in Las Vegas and the big auto show in Detroit. The Nissan LEAF and General Motor Chevy Volt have sold more than any other electrified vehicles, but Ford and others are working to narrow the gap. Better and better technology is used to improve the gas mileage. New cars and trucks sold in the
United States in January will average 24.5 miles per gallon of gasoline, a record high, researchers at the University of Michigan said on Tuesday.The average fuel economy, as shown in window stickers placed on all new cars and trucks in the United States and easily seen at auto dealerships, is up 1 mile per gallon from a year earlier and 2 mpg from January 2011, the researchers said. The average fuel economy of new models on sale in January is 22 percent higher than when University of Michigan researchers began their monthly study in October 2007. Surveys show that 60 percent of the vehicles on the road have tires that are underinflated by at least 30 percent. That’s at least 9 psi below the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. People  might also consider a few useful tips to get a better gas mileage like Keeping Your Tires at the Right Pressure or Change Spark Plugs Before They’re Due. These will definitely be useful for any driver in the world. Speed Kills Your Gas Mileage and Your Wallet, it is true because it also take people’s lives away. So why not use the brand new cars and combine them with such tips to save money, lives and improve the life experience in total?

Sources used:

1) The motley fool                                                      http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/01/31/how-technology-is-boosting-hybrids-gas-mileage.aspx

2) Chicago tribune

3) Lifehacker.com                                                                            http://lifehacker.com/5979549/get-better-gas-mileage-and-fuel-economy-with-these-diy-car-care-tips