Pulley lab

In this lab,  we were asked to apply Newton’s second law, which is F=MA. This measures the conservation of energy, acceleration and velocity. By a to  a .


Newton second law says “acceleration is when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object beingaccelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).” It can be read from the law that our three factors are mathematically to each other, and there is a proportional relation between that mass and the acceleration.


As it can be seen in the graph, when we add weights, acceleration increases. This proves the proportional relation between Acc and Mass. Note that we kept the power constant.


The following graph shows the second experiment, where we kept the weight constant and changed the power level. According to Newton’s second law, the power is proportional to the acceleration, A=F/M

acc2-300x151 (1)

As it can be noticed from the graph, the acceleration rises with the power level.


The next experiment is slightly different; it is about the battery discharge VS the Mass. The mass is proportional to the battery discharge, which means that when we increase the mass the batter discharge will be greater while keeping the power fixed.


This graph proves the proportional relation between the mass and battery discharge.


By using the power formula, which is power used= potential energy/time= mgh/time, we can get the average of the power we consumed while investigating the experiments. Note that we are using this formula for the experiments that had a constant mass.


This graph shows the relation between the mass and battery discharge


To sum up, this experiment is really helpful to understand the relation between power, mass and acceleration. the following excel sheet will show results in numbers.

Speed(RPM) battery discharge Mass(kg) power(%) time(s) acceleration(RPM/s) g (m/s^2) height(m) mgh(j) Power used(W)
0 86.052632 0 111 0 0.2 0 75 0 1.9 0 45.290859 9.8 0.33 0.6468
0 89.346161 0 97 0 0.16 0 75 0 1.871 0 47.753159 9.8 0.33 0.51744
0 92.006901 0 56 0 0.12 0 75 0 1.739 0 52.907936 9.8 0.33 0.38808
0 96.17613 0 56 0 0.08 0 75 0 1.726 0 55.721976 9.8 0.33 0.25872
0 111.265005 0 84 0 0.2 0 95 0 1.444 0 77.053327 9.8 0.33 0.6468
0 57.112996 0 55 0 0.2 0 55 0 2.711 0 21.067133 9.8 0.33 0.6468
0 84.980923 0 83 0 0.2 0 75 0 1.922 0 44.21484 9.8


2 thoughts on “Pulley lab

  1. muntasir1993

    I’d like to point out that Newton’s second law (F = m*a) does not measure the potential energy. As can be noted, this law can only measure force, mass of an object, and its acceleration I believe.


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