Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy and Global


Hurricane Sandy is a frequent topic of academic discussions nowadays, especially if global warming were relevant or not. Global warming caused several effects on our environment, for instance, temperature raise, ice melting worldwide and sea level rise became faster than it used to be.

Hurricane Sandy was a strong and deadly hurricane, it happened in fall of 2012. It occurred at the east coast of United States, it was a tragedy at some states, and it went through some other states without a noticeable damage. Because of this massive damage we wanted to know whether we caused this terrible hurricane or it was naturally caused.

Some researchers found that the hurricane is somehow relevant and irrelevant to global warming at the same time. Basically what they meant that it didn’t happen because of the global warming. However, global warming made it worse. According to Andrew Freedman, “What is already clear, however, is that climate change very likely made Sandy’s impacts worse than they otherwise would have been.”

There was a study conducted by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions suggested that weather change might drove Sandy inland.

There are slight diversities of some studies can be seen while looking through some researches. Therefore, what can be clear is that global warming made Hurricane Sandy just worse than it supposed to be in normal conditions. Normal conditions can be defined as the nature without the effect of global warming.

In conclusion, Hurricane Sandy did not occur because of global warming but it made Hurricane Sandy more destructive in many levels.




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