Team Experiment: Brainstorming Session

During the brainstorming session with the group to decide what we should do for our experiment, we tried putting together a list of potential ones that could be recreated and executed effectively.  The purpose for our experiment was to be related to the idea of sustainable energy and a possible alternative method of energy.

At first, there was the idea of creating potential energy through the use of wind power and making different windmills and see how its design and such affected the energy.  We soon realized how difficult it would be to design an experiment that fitted best while providing a clear example of a windmill.  In the end, it was decided that the group’s experiment would be more focused on Greenhouse Gases, temperature (climate) as well as intensity of light.  This combines bits and pieces from a variety of topics covered in class while bringing to light the affects of how global warming is happening and the way our civilization burns through energy.

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