A robot; the first things come to my mind when I think of this word are androids(1) like R2D2(2) and C3PO(3) from Star Wars, the Japanese robot ASIMO(4), and the high-tech robots Boston Dynamics(5) develops. Such robots are very interesting to watch documentaries about, but they are too sophisticated to try building them. However, I got the chance to build my Lego-Mindstorm robot which is relatively very small and simple, but it’s still called “a robot,” a big word in my mind.
Building a Lego-Mindstorm robot starts with structuring the robot itself, and then programing and testing it. The robot was structured as a car that uses two motors to move and a mainframe processor to operate the motors according an uploaded program. Since the entire robot parts are made, the robot only needed to be assembled according to the instructions of “Basic Car Building Using NXT Lego Kit”. Following instructions to build your own robot! It doesn’t really sound that much interesting, but in fact, it is very interesting. Building the robot was a team work which gave me the chance to discuss some aspects of the car design with my partner. For instance, we discussed why we’re using only one non-motorized wheel in the front instead of two, and why we’re using a motor for each of the two rear wheel while we could have used one motor to move both wheels. This made the building experience much more interesting than just following instructions.

After assembling the robot parts, programming the robot was the next step. Using the software LabVIEW, we created a simple program to move the car forward, backward, and in a circle. LabVIEW has built-in little programs and tools that we put together to make a complete program for the desired task. We used a little program for each motor to run it forward and backward on different power levels. It didn’t take much time till we’re done programming and we’re ready to have a little contest. Even though the contest wasn’t serious, it gave everybody in the class the spirit of achievement. Every team was programming and testing, and reprogramming and testing again. During this time, the class was very active and dynamic. This was my favorite time in my experience building the car robot. I felt very excited to test our robot with the other teams and very satisfied about the results.

The last activity with the robot was using a program to measure the distance the robot run through and measure the same distance using a ruler, and then comparing the two results to find the percent error. It is basically collecting and analyzing data which, believe it or not, is something I love very much. I am already familiar with Microsoft Excel so I used it to record and analyze my measurements data.
Time (s) |
Power Level |
Ruler measurement (m) |
program measurement (m) |
Distance avg |
% error |
Run 1 |
1.00 |
75.00 |
0.275 |
0.265 |
0.27 |
3.70 |
Run 2 |
1.00 |
70.00 |
0.257 |
0.239 |
0.25 |
7.26 |
Run 3 |
1.00 |
60.00 |
0.2125 |
0.2054 |
0.21 |
3.40 |
Run 4 |
1.00 |
50.00 |
0.18 |
0.164 |
0.17 |
9.30 |
Run 5 |
1.00 |
40.00 |
0.14 |
0.1238 |
0.13 |
12.28 |
Run 6 |
1.00 |
30.00 |
0.18 |
0.171 |
0.18 |
5.13 |
Run 7 |
1.00 |
25.00 |
0.0885 |
0.0734 |
0.08 |
18.65 |

In short, I enjoyed every bit of my experience building the car. I learned something new, I made a good team, and I built “a robot,” a big word in my mind.
(1) An android is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human, especially one with a body having a flesh-like resemblance.
(2) – (3) R2D2 and C3PO are science-fiction androids that appear in Star Wars movies.
(4) ASIMO, is acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. it is a humanoid robot designed and developed by Honda.
(5) Boston Dynamics is an engineering company that specializes in building dynamic robots and software for human simulation.