Tom Vales Presentation

Tom Vales Presentation was not only informative but extremely interesting. Mr. Vales showed us many different electrical inventions such as a hot air engine that contained a cup filled with water and when the water heated up it would move between the bottom and top of the cup. When the water in the bottom of the cup was heated it would make the turbine type windmill turn. Another invention was a Wireless Transmission which used alternating current and when the cork was put into the situation it then changed the transmitter.  The Sterling Engine was an invention that was a substitute for the steam engine. Mr. Vales also showed us multiple “quack medicine” inventions that people believed actually helped realign and cure them, when in reality they did absolutely nothing but they were fun to play with. The Mendesedo Motor was a four solar cell that makes current go through a wire and propels the machine in mid air. One of the most interesting invention was the Tesla Coil which was invented in 1880. This had a motor spun coiled wire that created electricity and the nail in the top of the coil created a current of electricity that ran through it. Overall Tom Vales presentation was extremely informative, he was a fairly humorous person. His way of teaching was interesting and fun I hope he gets to come teach something else in the near future.


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