Monthly Archives: March 2013

Generator Lab

In this experiment we learned about the source and power of electric energy. Farradays law states that changing magnetic fluxes through coiled wires generate electricity,exchange of currents and voltage. In this lab we shook a tube which had a magnet that traveled back and forth through a coil of wires. The greater the magnetic flux then the greater the currents and voltage.

The number of shakes in the generator equaled to 30 seconds an interval at different rates with voltage.We connected wires to NXT and counted the number of shakes. We did this three different times at three different speeds and then we repeated all the steps three more times. The equation we used was e=m^4/volt and the sum of the values gives the average value of shakes. The faster you shake the greater the generated voltage is.Overall this experiment was very beneficial In learning about power and voltage and the different ways you can generate power.

Mass and Pulley Experiment

In the lab we used the ideas of Newtons second law. Force equals mass times acceleartion. In this experiment the motor exerts the force onto the weights to make them move up the pulley The lab taught us how to use different weights in order to make it accelerate.

First we ran the experiment three times with different power levels and the same weight. The first trial the weight was 250 kg which is .25 kilograms. The power level was 40 and the result was the acceleration was 9 rpm. The second trial the power level was 60 and the result was the acceleration increased. The third dial the power level was 100 and the result was the acceleration increased.

Next we ran the experiment where the weight changed but not the power level. The power level was 40. In the first trial it was .19 kilograms and the result was the acceleration increased. The second trial 1.3 kilograms and the result was the acceleration increased. The third trial was .07 kilograms and the result was the acceleration increased.



Tom Vales Presentation

Tom Vales Presentation was not only informative but extremely interesting. Mr. Vales showed us many different electrical inventions such as a hot air engine that contained a cup filled with water and when the water heated up it would move between the bottom and top of the cup. When the water in the bottom of the cup was heated it would make the turbine type windmill turn. Another invention was a Wireless Transmission which used alternating current and when the cork was put into the situation it then changed the transmitter.  The Sterling Engine was an invention that was a substitute for the steam engine. Mr. Vales also showed us multiple “quack medicine” inventions that people believed actually helped realign and cure them, when in reality they did absolutely nothing but they were fun to play with. The Mendesedo Motor was a four solar cell that makes current go through a wire and propels the machine in mid air. One of the most interesting invention was the Tesla Coil which was invented in 1880. This had a motor spun coiled wire that created electricity and the nail in the top of the coil created a current of electricity that ran through it. Overall Tom Vales presentation was extremely informative, he was a fairly humorous person. His way of teaching was interesting and fun I hope he gets to come teach something else in the near future.


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Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

The Fukushima Disaster was a reaction to the earthquake in March of 2011. There are eleven reactors at four nuclear power plants in the region and when the earthquake hit it shut down all these reactors at the same time.”The operating units which shut down were Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (Tepco) Fukushima Daiichi 1, 2, 3, and Fukushima Daini 1, 2, 3, 4, Tohoku’s Onagawa 1, 2, 3, and Japco’s Tokai, total 9377 MWe net. Fukushima Daiichi units 4, 5 & 6 were not operating at the time, but were affected.” originally it was inspected and determined that the earthquake did not affect the plants but the inspection was wrong. THe main problem was Fukushima Daiichi units 1,2 and 3 and the fourth unit wasn’t a problem until later on.



Not only was the earthquake an awful tragedy but it also caused a lot of health concerns.Due to the damage of the nuclear reactor it cause radiation exposure to many people. Land exposure,food contamination and building terrain were all effect by this devastation.


Fukushima not only effected the environment but has also left the country with serious health concerns. When people are exposed to radiation so many concerns come into play such as Girls are  at greater risk of thyroid cancer. Reports find an increased risk for breast cancer,small additional rick of contracting cancer as well. Overall anybody exposed to the Fukushima disaster two years ago are at a much higher risk of cancer.
