Experiment lego robot

Alexa Kay

The past two weeks we did a lab on building and controlling a robot car. This experiment was beneficial and I learned a lot. First we put together the car,assembling pieces to this car was difficult at first but then we figured it all out. The lego pieces didn’t all seem to fit but once we found the sheet where you look and compare the sizes it was a lot easier. After we assembled the car we programmed it using software we watched a video on prior. We then plugged the car up to the computer and connected the two cords to the correct sources. After programing the car we then unplugged the car and we could control the speed and motion of the car. After we figured out how to control the car we then readjusted the speed of the wheels so we could create a circular motion. We then could make the car go in a circle of two meters. Monday in class we also figured out the wheel rotation and the speed of the robot. We also learned about the percent era so we could figure out the correlation error.

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