Monthly Archives: January 2013

Hurricane Sandy and Global Warming 1/31/13

Alexa Kay



Hurricane Sandy devastated our country. Sandy killed 132 Americans.Sandy damaged and destroyed tens of thousands of homes,left millions of homes without power and also impacted one of our largest metropolitan areas in the United States.

Our country was not well prepared enough to deal with the devastation that Sandy brought to us.Now New Jersey has approved a 9.7 billion dollar storm relief fund. This is only a down payment for the 60.4 billion dollar federal aid package that Obama’s administration that is set up to help the region recover. The estimated costs for the storm damage is closer to 82 billion dollars. Americans need to be more prepared and we need to stop acting like major disasters are so rare because there is a lot more we can do to prevent so much damage.

The year 2012 was declared the tenth warmest year we have had on record since recording started in 1880. Also last year was the warmest since 1895. Americans crops were beginning to die out because of the heat which caused food prices to increase. Also the increase in heat scorched forests and therefore causing major wildfires and destroying more homes in the process.As you can see Global Warming is clearly affecting more than one thing. Its causing spiked prices in food,destroying forests and many more devastation are occurring.

In an article written in the New York Times it states that Global warming could have not only affected Hurricane Sandy a great deal but it could also help us to predict the future storms. Nobody can say for certain if global warming was the cause for Hurricane Sand.Scientists  can say that in the Western Atlantic Ocean the surface temperature was remarkably higher that specific day and even in some places an entire five degrees warmer which is unheard of that time of year. Human contribution to Global Warming has been raising each year since the 1970’s

Its obvious that Global Warming played a major roll in contributing to Hurricane Sandy. Overall though Global warming is a major issue that’s affecting our entire world. Hurricane Sandy was a huge devastation to our world and global warming had a lot to do with it, therefore we need to do better as a country to improve our issues.;;

NY times;






Germanys Green Energy Policy

Alexa Kay


Germany has created renewable energy for over 2,000 homes.  Lillgrund is the largest wind farm in Europe. Lillgrund is  off the coast of Sweden.  This wind farm produces the most renewable energy in the world. The company is called Siemens and its CEO is Rene Umlauft. Umlauft says that as of now three percent of the  worlds renewable energy is being used and in the next 20 years the rate should go up to about seventeen percent.

Solar and wind powered energy still can not compete with coal but it is still evolving and being updated.Record sales of a billion dollars have already been spent on the renewable energy act. Renewable energy can only improve. The windmill farms are also being built in the U.S,Canada and Asia in hopes to expanding renewable energy policy.

The wind is a problem because it is never completely stable. Researchers are slowly beginning to adapt and figure out what else to do before the year 2022, which is when they are looking at  abandoning nuclear power as well. They are working on expanding there grid and adapting for a greater reliance on renewables. This process is moving rather slowly. Also the amount of money that will be  spent will be over 30 billion dollars by the time this is all over.

Germany is number one wind power producer in the  European Union. Spain is second and then Italy, France and the UK. All these countries have a  similar goal which is to be able to provide 20 percent of the total renewable sources. Germany is right on track to achieve, if continued the way it is going now.




CNN; Germanys ‘green: goals

The Wall Street Journal; German Nucleur Exit ‘green goals
