Creating a photovoltaic cell from plant
My experiment is as follows, a photovoltaic cell obtained from a solution like this liquida.Demostrar becomes a photovoltaic cell,
For that we need a small container (filled with a mixture of water and grass: we will have extracted from the plant, the necessary components to make it conductive) a stick of graphite, and another of copper, ammeter and cables to connect everything to each other .
Now, we are going to begin to assemble our experiment.
First we need to make the liquid solution for this, we have to crush grass blades with a little water, once done, observe the color of the water turns green, well, our mix here.
Then well assemble the stick of graphite with the copper foil with a 3mm separation between them, with this, will get a negative and a positive conductors.
Insert the device into the liquid solution, and we can see how the measurements vary according to the light we have. To increase the light collection electricity is higher, and vice versa.
Once done this, start the data collection, with different intensities of light with different color filters, we can even more opaque container, and also see that no energy is generated, since we are preventing light pass.
We can understand better the experiment, watching this video: