Hurricane Sandy and Global Warming

Hurricane Sandy was the eighteenth and the deadliest tropical cyclone of the 2012 hurricane season and the tenth to reach hurricane status in that year. It was the largest hurricane of that information is received and the second by the level of damage , after Hurricane Katrina in late August 2005. Colombia and Venezuela hit as a tropical depression from October 17 , that is, before being considered as a tropical storm , which came a day after and obviously before he reached the rank of hurricane. Powerfully affected (plus Colombia and Venezuela ) , Haiti , Dominican Republic , Jamaica, Cuba , Bahamas , Bermuda , the U.S. and Canada, claiming the lives of 70 people in the Caribbean , 147 in the U.S. and 2 in Canada4 . Subsequent data taking into account the number of deaths due to Hurricane Sandy ( direct and indirect ) , did increase this to 253.


The greatest impact were the United States, therefore the intensity of the winds, rain and snow as the enormity of Hurricane (1800 km diameter) at landfall on the eastern coast of the country. It affected also in the Caribbean area , 24 of the 50 states of the United States.

Shortly after Hurricane Sandy, expert Michael Oppenheimer , a professor at Princeton University and director of the Program in Science Technology and Environmental Policy , outlined in several U.S. media about this big storm that had hit the United States and other countries had worsened due to global warming .

“This is definitely something to look forward to the future” , stated the expert in 2012. ” While climate change is not caused Hurricane Sandy, clearly worsened its impact.” According to experts , this is because the sea levels have been rising in recent centuries by climate change. “The situation will worsen in the coming years and decades , unless they decrease the emission of greenhouse gases .”


In the scientific community there are experts who doubt that there is a relationship between severe storms and global warming , indicating that it is too early to draw conclusions. Oppenheimer theories yet been confirmed to some extent with the advent of Haiyan . On 7 November, the hurricane struck the Philippines , one of the most powerful storms lately. According to information collected by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center of the U.S. Navy , Haiyan produced sustained winds with gusts of up to 269kmh to 324kmh .


The previous record belongeto the 1969 Hurricane Camille , which struck Mississippi with winds of 305kmh . Sandy otherwise affected the 2012 Haiti , Dominican Republic , Jamaica, Cuba , the Bahamas, Bermuda, the United States and Canada, has an extension of 1,800 kilometers , and brought winds of 130kmh , one of the biggest storms in the hurricane season in the Atlantic , 2012.


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