Generator Lab


This experiment was about how the generators produced electricy. Basically what we have was  a flashlight that creates electricity through the use of magnets. These magnets are surrounded by a copper coil that helps form a small amount of voltage in the coil when the flashlight is shaken. The more the flaslight was shakin more electricity will be generated to light up the bulb.

So we were curios about how this experiment works and we used  our professional tool  the NXT program to analyze the amount of voltage that were genereted with respect of the amount of shakes.

The flaslight was connected to the NXT program and we start our analysis. It was stablish a time of 30 seconds for each trial. Below, a table chart that will describe in detail what was the relationship between our  two variables, the voltage and the number of shakes.



The negative signs are irrelevant because it refers to the direction that  have  the voltages. However, the sum of squares it was calculated in order to eliminate this negative signs.

This experiment was very interestign because we could understand that the more you shook the flash light the more the light lit up. Also it was usefull to understand when to variables are proportional like in this case the voltage and the amount of shakes ( the more you shake more electricity you have).

3 thoughts on “Generator Lab”

  1. In this blog you have a clear understanding of the experiment. It was somehow useful for me in understanding how energy is produced with magnets and coils.

  2. With this blog I can see that you understood very well the experiment and it helped me understand a little more about how energy is produced with magnets and coils.

  3. Axell, this blog is pretty well done. I liked how you explained the experiment, and how you used pictures to show what we were working on. Also, the table graphs are very organized and very helpful for the reader.

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