Solar Power Experiment

In sustainbility class we did  an experiment with solar cells. Our objective was to measure the voltage produced by the solar panel at different distances and different filters.What we first did was used the device without light and recorded the data and then toke the data and found the average for no light. Then we did the same with the height we changed the height at least three or four times toke the average of each height.Later, we used different shades of color to cover it with the device then toke the data from the computer and toke the average of that. We did the same for the next four colors and found the average of each color.

The lab went pretty well. We ran into no problems. Our data is as follows.




Average Voltage and DistanceThe graph seems right to me because it is not all over the place but rather in a line. It kind of seems like it is slowly going down. Which I predict that the higher the inches is the lower it will go the average of voltage.



In conclusion, we see a difference in voltage with every variable. As the distance increased we saw a drop in voltage. This result was expected so it means our analysis was correct. Also when we changed the color filter we found a small, but significant, change in voltage. Yellow produced the highest voltage, while blue produced the less.


2 thoughts on “Solar Power Experiment”

  1. I think your blog about the experiment was very nice accurate and polished. I liked how you explained the results you acquired and whether or not they support your hypothesis. Very nice man!

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