Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.

The plant of Fukushima was damaged on march 11 of 2011 by a eartquake  of a magnitude of 9.0. The largest earthquake that has been in Japan. Also this earthquake generated a tsunami of 10m of high. This post is intended to be a show of important facts that caused the fukushima disaster.Then a series of links that will give a better understanding about this problem.

How Nuclear energy Works.

Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Explained

Nuclear plant Fukushima structure

Facts about Radiation from Fukushima.


“Located on the Eastern coast of Japan, the six nuclear power reactors at Daiichi are boiling water reactors (BWRs). A massive earthquake on 11 March disabled off-site power to the plant and triggered the automatic shutdown of the three operating reactors: Units 1, 2, and 3. The control rods in those units were successfully inserted into the reactor cores, ending the fission chain reaction. The remaining reactors — Units 4, 5, and 6 — had previously been shut down for routine maintenance purposes. Backup diesel generators, designed to start up after losing off-site power, began providing electricity to pumps circulating coolant to the six reactors.

Soon after the earthquake, a large tsunami washed over the reactor site, knocking out the backup generators. While some batteries remained operable, the entire site lost the ability to maintain normal reactor cooling and water circulation functions.”(Original Link)


The Japanese government asked the community in areas that were within 20 to 30 kilometers from the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Fukushima No. 1 broken away, the Cabinet Secretary said Yukio Edano on Friday (22/04 / 2011).

This is done because theradiation continues to increase, Yukio said, adding that residents in other regions outside a radius of 30 kilometers also must be ready to evacuate in an emergency.

The Japanese government evacuation instructions improved little by little because the workers are still trying to control the nuclear power plant damaged by the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11.

The Japanese government has been shut down since Thursday night in an area within a radius of 20 kilometers from the plant Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power to exclude people who do not have permission.(Original Link)







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