About Us

The server sites.suffolk.edu hosts faculty academic, administration, research and course-related blogs for Suffolk University. The blogs are created using WordPress and are supported by CAS Academic Technology and ITS.

About the new and

improved sites.suffolk.edu

This platform was created in response to faculty requests to use blogs both for their courses and in the interest of research and scholarship. (If you are a student, you must be participating in a class assignment or under the direction of a faculty member.) 

We continue to gather information and are extending the platform and are happy to respond to any needs, feature requests, or suggestions as we work to accommodate our users. Please visit the Getting Started section or the How-to’s for more information and answers to frequently asked questions, or contact us directly.

If you wish to participate, Suffolk University requires that you familiarize yourself with the following:


Get Started

Suffolk University Has Teamed Up With CampusPress to Enhance Our WordPress Environment